Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Little Bit of Essentials Love

The purpose of this post it two-fold:
Fold # 1:
To share a bit of 4th and 6th grade language arts.
Fold # 2:
To see if I can work blogger from my way-cool Transformer.
The knights and I just finished our Daily Practice Sentence.  Using the Essentials program from Classical Conversations, we take a sentence through 6 analytical tasks everyday.
This is way more fun than it sounds...or than my 6th grader makes it appear. This picture actually makes me quite proud.  I survived middle school and high school with a novel on my lap under the desk.
Our finished analysis is best viewed on the big board.
This exercise included with grammar chart copywork and our current paper on what we would miss from modern times if we were whisked back into the ancient world (from the Ancient History Based Writing Lessons from Institute for Excellence in Writing) make a full morning of language arts. 
My younger knights participate off and on.  Today, one is doing handwriting and reading picture books at the table while we do language arts, and the other is running around in training pants and a Batman cape.  He added the blue writing to the bottom of Task 5 [translation: "Batman and Robin save the day."]
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to take Batman to the potty.

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