Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Light Introduction

The Dragonlady is a autodidact married to a handsome, humble knight.  It is a strong, committed relationship that we have to care for and nurture daily. Our love is built on a foundation of Christ and a mutual appreciation for topically appropriate movie quotes randomly inserted into everyday conversation.

We have been gifted the heavy, heady, and messy responsibility of raising four sons to manhood in this haphazard, unchivalrous world.  As I type, the aforementioned progeny are all aged in multiples of three...which I am tempted to write a word problem for you to figure out.  I shall resist.

My life has been a constant search for information.  I love learning more than breathing.  As I try to develop the gift of teaching, I have learned the joy of sharing information with others.

We are striving to be sheep, not goats, as our Savior instructs in Matthew 25.  But I'm okay with that. Goat tastes much better than sheep in my opinion. Unless we're talking about the perfect know...mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich where the mutton is lean and tomato is nice and ripe.  They're so perky.  I love that.

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